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Are You Ready to Reboot and Refresh?







~Lila Harding Strategic Advisor, Coach & Muse

"If you are ready to be catapulted into success… book Lila. Now.  Lila is one of the most incredible coaches in the industry.  In a matter of 5 minutes (or in a ONE SENTENCE VIP text) she can break me out of limitation and into possibility.  I wouldn’t have gone the road less traveled. I wouldn’t be a Numerologist without her as a mentor, coach, and secret-speed-dial-weapon. If you are wanting to stay old, small and outdated - BUYER BEWARE. Lila is NOT for traditionalists or know-it-alls. She is a truth teller an advocate for a part of you that you don’t believe in yet. She won’t buy your bull shit.   You have to be ready to check your ego at the door and see what she sees."

~ Natalie Pescetti, Numerologest. Coach, Influencer    


"Lila is a one-of-a-kind catalyst for liberation. I felt trapped in an organizational situation… then Lila entered the room. Before she said a word, things began to shift. Now, if we could bottle Lila and sell her in tiny flasks … Actually, I only recommend Lila to those ready for a change right now, because that’s the alchemical power she brings. In other words, only call Lila when you want results. Oh, she’s also a born comedian!"

Will Wilkinson, Author, Coach, Consultant



“Lila’s coaching is like focusing a laser beam of clarity on any situation.  She helps you find that next step that brings about the biggest impact."  

~ Julianna Christie Marketing & Leadership Consultant


“Love is the driving force behind Lila. She spots patterns and behaviors and with just the right words, she sparks the fire inside you, to find your way home.   What's unique about her wisdom is that it comes from a deeply raw, radically humorous, and rock solid inner guidance.  And this helps you find your answers to life's questions.   I have never laughed so hard and lit up in joy as when I talk to Lila.  She was with me at a time in my life that I changed everything.  I broke open the Circle.  And she held my hand and my heart unconditionally.”

~ Tara Sheahan Activist, Founder -Concious Global Leadership


"Lila gives voice to her GENIUS while helping you access yours.  I am grateful to have her as an ally on my personal team.  Her insight and special brand of support are far-reaching and incredibly powerful.. 

 ~Ben Hummell, Therapist, Teacher, Author- Summoning Genius


"I’ve had a hard time with clarity lately.  I get wrapped up in time wasters and energy drains all too easily. I reached out to Lila to help me find focus and direction.  She got right down to the marrow of what it is I really wanted in about .5 seconds.  She has a way of turning off the excess noise and turning up the tune of what it is that makes my soul dance.   Highly recommend!!!"    

~Tiffany Hokanson, Mixed Media Artist & Writer

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What was most amazing about working with Lila, was how she assisted me to move away from a very entrenched position of doubt and debt to a position of possibilities and results I could never have dreamed were achievable on my horizon.  I was so defeated by my direction that I did not think I could find another way.  There were two key ingredients she offered: persistence and belief.  Lila insisted that I find out what I needed to know and believed change could happen.  She helped me believe in myself, and from there I kept focus on the changes I wanted to make not the fears that stood in my way.   It's 6 months after our coaching engagement and I have completely changed my financial position. I am very excited about it and very, very VERY grateful.


~ Salley K. professional Artist and Investor

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Taking the step to work with Lila was one of the best choices I have made.  Finding the importance of organizing myself and creating clear boundaries with time was a great gift never expected.  Lila takes an approach that is from the heart and listens to our soul to then find the may gifts you have to offer.  She did this for me and I am still unwrapping each one with joy.


My original goal was to get more clients. I did so much more than that.  I discovered that I was a health coach and I have so many more services to offer besides just yoga classes.  In the past 3 months, I have doubled my private clients.  Created and filled a retreat with 30 people, and have another scheduled four months from now.  In six months I have built a completely new website with podcasts and products, and I have a publicist to help me along meeting with an agency for my story of how I healed my life and a book deal.


I recommend working with Lila if you really want to make the changes in your life you are always saying you want to make, with her by your side it will happen.  



~ Hillary Rubin- Spiritual Life & Business Coach

"Lila gets you to the heart and soul of your joy" ~Elvira W.

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